Romanian Association of Young Scholars
Abstract Submission
The paper proposal must contain the title of the paper you are interested in participating with, as well as your name, status and institutional affiliation.
The abstract in itself should be written in English and should have about 1500-2000 characters. Throughout the abstract, it is important to emphasize the topic of the presentation, the research question, the main research methods employed as well as a general outline of the anticipated structure of the paper.
It is important to keep in mind that the abstract submitted should be as clear and coherent as possible in order to maximize the feed-back received from the other participants. Also, please keep an academic, formal, non-colloquial English throughout the abstract, especially because all of the accepted proposals will be published in a Book of Abstracts.
In the end, every proposal should be accompanied by 3-5 keywords that the authors considers most relevant for his/her topic.
Finally, all abstracts should be submitted in Word (.doc/ .docx) format, edited in Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 spacing, justified format.
Conference Presentation
The working language of the conference will be English and Romanian. As such, the conference presentations should be delivered in English (preferably) or Romanian.
Each participant is expected to deliver a presentation of his/her paper in front of the audience present at the respective panel. Those who, for objective reasons, cannot attend the event must provide a poster which will be displayed during the poster session. Please note that the certificate of attendance will contain references not only to your name and title of paper, but also regarding the section/panel in which you presented. Absent registered members, regardless of their reasons, will not be awarded their certificate of attendance.
The conference presentations should be no longer than 10 minutes/ participant, followed by a 5 minutes questions-session from the audience. Your presentations must be coherent, clearly structured and accessible to the general public. They should emphasize the novelty of your research, the sources and methods employed, as well as your findings/results.
Finally, the powerpoint presentations must be in .ppt format (PowerPoint Presentations 2003 version). Ideally, you may bring them with you on a USB stick and make sure they are readily available before the beginning of your panel. One of the members and volunteers of the Organizing Team will assist you with that. However, please note that powerpoint presentations are not mandatory.